The Maternal and Infant Wash Care Market in China

Full survey about the Maternal and Infant Wash Care Market: Size and Development Trends, and Tips from marketer of GMA , 2024 .

intro and regulation

Policy Direction: As a segment of the cosmetics market, maternal and infant wash care products are moving towards standardization under the trend of stricter cosmetics regulation. Since 2021, the focus of the cosmetics industry’s regulation has been on product safety and the compliance of marketing claims. With the release of the “Child Cosmetics Supervision and Management Regulations” on October 8, 2021, the child cosmetics industry is set to enter an era of independent regulation. This regulation, China’s first specific regulatory document for child cosmetics, stipulates, among other things, labeling requirements and other regulations related to child cosmetics that took effect from January 1, 2022.

Child Cosmetics Supervision and Management Regulations

The “Child Cosmetics Supervision and Management Regulations” comprises 22 articles that strictly regulate the safety of child cosmetics, covering aspects like definition, labeling, formulation principles, safety assessment requirements, production/operation (including online), registration and record management, production/operation supervision, and random inspection monitoring related to child cosmetics. Particularly in formulation design, the principles of “safety first, necessary efficacy, and minimal formulation” should be followed.

2024, baby Boom with Dragon year

Changes in Consumer Demographics: According to the “2022-2028 China Maternal and Infant Wash Care Industry Market Panorama Survey and Investment Potential Research Report” by Zhiyan Consulting, a series of fertility policies have been introduced in recent years in response to population aging and to improve China’s population structure. Policies such as the “two-child policy for couples where both partners are only children” in 2011, the “single-child two-child policy” in 2013, and the full implementation of the two-child policy in 2016 were introduced, but these did not fundamentally improve the birth rate. In 2020, the number of births in China decreased to 12 million, down by 2.65 million from 2019, a decline of 18.1%, marking the lowest since the founding of new China. To address the continuous decline in birth rates, China further introduced the three-child policy on May 31, 2021, along with a series of supporting policies, showing unprecedented emphasis on boosting the fertility rate. Under policy stimulation, the overall maternal and infant market size is expected to maintain a growth foundation.

As China’s per capita disposable income has continuously increased, the level of consumption upgrade in the maternal and infant industry has been driven. This upgrade is driven by both an upgrade in consumption ability, as the per capita income level continuously increases, and an upgrade in consumption concepts, as consumer needs become more diverse and individualized. The development of new media marketing platforms has also effectively promoted the output of maternal and infant consumption concepts.

The New Chinese Mothers

The transformation in parenting concepts has promoted the consumption upgrade in maternal and infant care, leading to increased spending on maternal and infant wash care products. The “4-2-1” inverted triangle parenting model leads to higher disposable spending on child-rearing. Modern Chinese families have formed a “funnel-shaped” structure of “4+2+1,” and with the overall improvement in family consumption ability, each family is willing to invest more income into infants and young children. At the same time, the separation of buyers and consumers in maternal and infant consumption means that consumption preferences depend on the buyers. The post-90s generation has now become the mainstream childbearing group, and according to Nielsen statistics, this consumer group pays more attention to health and quality, further driving the trend of consumption upgrade in maternal and infant care.

Ecommerce 1st choice

Channel Opportunities Lead to Market Size Changes: The development of e-commerce platforms is expected to further promote the development of the maternal and infant wash care market. In 2020, the size of China’s maternal and infant e-commerce market reached 1000.5 billion yuan, an increase of 892.5 billion yuan from 2019, a year-on-year increase of 9.80%. The market size of maternal and infant e-commerce in China is expected to reach 1100 billion yuan in 2021 and continue to grow in the future.


The pandemic has catalyzed the shift in consumption habits of the maternal and infant group from offline to online, and in recent years, new sales models such as live streaming have emerged, further diversifying the maternal and infant consumption scenarios and enabling better integration of online and offline, expected to drive further leaps in the maternal and infant wash care market. 81% of the maternal and infant group prefer to purchase maternal and infant products through online channels, with the post-95 generation showing a more obvious tendency towards online shopping. Additionally, maternal and infant users prefer to exchange experiences, with 77% of the maternal and infant group expressing willingness to share and recommend good products, with the post-90s generation and people in first-tier cities being more obvious. Sharing channels are usually maternal and infant WeChat groups or Moments (accounting for about 70%), Weibo, Xiaohongshu, and other social media.

4 tactics for success in the infant and child personal care market,

strategies for success in the infant and child personal care market, emphasizing the need for both specialization and refinement. Here’s a summarized translation with key points for a marketing blog:

  • Specialization and Refinement for Credibility: Both specialized focus players and crossover brands are proving their mettle in the infant and child personal care market. The new brands are breaking through the barriers set by established brands by accurately identifying consumer needs, clearly positioning their brands, and diversifying channel operations.
  • Adapting to Scientific Parenting Concepts: With rational consumption trends among post-90s and post-95s generations who are now becoming parents, the market is moving from basic care to more sophisticated and professional competition. Concepts like “age-specific care,” “season-specific care,” and “skin type-specific care” are emerging, with brands like Hai Gui Ba Ba, Tu Tou Ma Ma, and Zhi Ke focusing on these specific care concepts.
  • Expert Endorsement and Trust-Building: Professional endorsements have become key for these new brands to gain traction. This involves collaborations with dermatologists/pediatricians, creating baby skincare institutes/laboratories, and acquiring all-green certifications.
  • Differentiation and Market Penetration: Brands are differentiating themselves by focusing on specific product categories or unique characteristics. Examples include Dai Ke Si’s calendula ingredients, Zhi Ke’s functional positioning, and Tu Tou Ma Ma’s precise age-specific care concept.
  • Leveraging Online Channels for Sales and Content Marketing: Compared to traditional baby and child brands, new brands are diversifying online and shining in content channels. They are adept at using content channels to capture consumer minds and achieve sales.

I hope you have learn a lot ,to conclude, the growth of the infant and child care market demands new entrants to be distinct and meticulous in their approach. They must leverage their strengths and market opportunities to find their niche and build a brand

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